
1:19 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hi friends,
I am back with a bang..(just for a week)...hehe...
So..check out my blogs..often...i will be posting a topic sooon!!!

with love,


7:38 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hi everyone,
Hope all are fine!
I am not able to update the blog due to some educational reasons!..u know...school, PC classes n all that stuff!!!
So I will be doing it atleast once in a month( or weekly..dunno..depends on ma mood, though! )
Bye...do check out my blog often!

PC Maniac...

9:01 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This man is a great personality...This man is about 80 years old! Yet he is indefatigable, kinetic (not kinetic theory or kinetics!), bossy, domineering and vivacious...Yes, friends, I am talking (or rather, writing) about none other than Prof. P C Thomas. He's highly strung, I can say!

Ironically, none ( not none, actually!) in my class like him!

The reason could be that he is a task master. Almost he fixes classes 52x7 (52 weeks, 7 days ). He gives us a printed info about the classes he's gonna conduct...whenever he feels like printing something in his own press.

Another thing about him is that he is mikaholic!!! He has a mike of his own just on his table. He keeps on announcing something over his MIKE...( he starts with the word "YES" everytime!..ever noticed that? ).

He is a person who gives scant regards to his words...He tells something now and quickly changes his mind in , say, 10 mins or so. He tells then 'A small change in the timetable'. God knows whether the change is small!!! (Timetable = subjects.dt, where dt is a small change in the timetable. He tells the integrated result! )

Once, if I remember correctly, He gave us a timetable of a class that was going to be conducted on a Sunday. After 10 mins (not exactly ok!...approx.) he said that there was a small correction in the timetable and you know what he did? He put class from 8-12 am in the morn. and 1-4 in the eve. n after that from 4.30 to 6.30 pm. If he called that a small change, what will he say for a small change? Damn!

But, the fact is , I enjoy PC...
You know why?

I know, he's doing it for our benefit and sake. He wan't the students to study well and of course, he want's a good name for his institution. What does he gain from all these classes?.Think!. We are to gain, isn't it?.Who loose?.WE loose.Think about it fellas!
I can only tell, so as to develop a mental awareness of the plus points of PC classes...
Of course, he's gotta finish the pending portions, naa ??

I have heard from my seniors that all this (classes n all that stuff) had really helped them swim the vast ocean of entrance examinations. From Kerala entrance to the daunting IIT-JEE, PC's classes helped 'em a lot!

So guys n gals, love PC (not your Personal Computer )...

PC 'shortcuts' (entrance) match none of the books because there is neither a question of 'Match the following' nor a 'Matrix Mismatch type' of the IIT-JEE question pattern. and moreover, "There is no shortcut to success, There is no substitute to hard work "

Bored?, sorry.


"Om PC Thomasaya Namah!" (Send it to atleast 10 people for good luck....sorry..dint get PC's pic!)

N E way,
Bye...c ya soooooon!

1st day of Skool...

12:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hi back!
Aaaaaaaaaaah.....the teacher catching my ears as if she was just gonna lift me up or something..(u dunno how much it pains...!!!)...
Teacher : Arvind,come with me to the principal's office....
Me : why teacher..what's the matter?
Teacher : You have failed in 11th...
Me : Waaaaaaaaat???????????
Luckily that was a dream!..Gosh!!!...
Mom shattered my horrifying dream at about 7.00 in the morn. It was the first day of 12th std...I haven't got ready yet!..I have to leave home atleast at 7.30 so that I can catch the bus to school.....Hush!!!....I ran like a police dog going to catch the thief or something....
lol...late but somehow got the bus...my friends beside me...two of 'em ( deepak n dilshad )
....looking angry at me having come late...Without any feelings, I said 'Sorry guys!'. That was all I could say..( What else!!! ).
School....as good as ever....the school with a diff. (they say!...I dont think so!!!) standing tall in front of my eyes....students here n there......
DONG DONG DONG DONG DONG.....that was the school bell....( Am i a bit DONG type?...Sorry! )
We entered the classroom...Then came our teacher...she began her advice to the class like rays of the shining sun...spreading from one student to another..... (Too boring naa?? )

Then after gap of about 45 mins ( I dont remember properly..!! ) came ambika teacher, then....Asha teacher, hmm...who was next???.....dunno.....They all started a bit of the 12th portions.....then left the class with a smile on their face....Luckily they didn't ask any questions...except ambika teacher...which I answered...!!!
Once more DONG DONG DONG DONG DONG...( the bell again!!! ).....
We fled to our houses like anything.....(Actually we went by bus...ok...we dint fly or something)
Then after I reached my house..I had lunch..I was damn hungry..n sat in front of my laptop...

Then I went to www.blogger.com , Signed In, clicked 'Create New Post'...n started typing like anything...
After all that heck, I clicked on 'Publish Post'...n here it is!!!...the post which you are reading now!!!
That's all friends...
Keep Smiling!..Bubye...tc..c ya soon...


10:57 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I dunno how to start with...
This is my first blog. Hmm...yeah...i would be bloggin on many topics like....hmm....many!!!
most of 'em will be my experiences n blah blah sort of things...
Neva mind!!!

Bye guys....My english is damn poor....don't mind it!
I wud probably start posting in few weeks or so....
Dont forget to comment! ( i know i make mistakes...:D )

Mario time...
